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❖  Rolfing Structural Integration Therapy
 and Cranio-Sacral Therapy


    Structural Integration is a form of bodywork that aims to restore health and function by untwisting, unbending, and decompressing the tissues that have become dysfunctional and restore dynamic and natural movement. This is done through manual techniques and movement exercises organized into a series of ten sessions that systematically realign and integrate the whole body from head to toe. Structural Integration focuses on reeducation of both the body's structure and function, such that whether through verbal instruction or manual techniques, the client and therapist engage in a dialogue that ultimately results in greater mobility, body awareness, and comfort.


     Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a very gentle form of therapy that concentrates on the effects of the cranio-sacral system and it's components on the body as a whole. The practicioner uses very gentle contact to palpate and assess lesions in the cranial bone relationships and in the membranous tissues in the cranium and through the meninges around the spinal cord. The same gentle contact is used to treat these lesions and allow the cranio-sacral system to return to homeostasis and proper function. 

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